MOISTURIZE, MOISTURIZE, & MOISTURIZE SOME MORE!! All the other steps are worthless if you do not do this one! Before you think of applying makeup, and your skin is still damp from cleansing, apply moisturizer. Once this is done you are free to open your makeup bag!
Choose a liquid concealer
Skip Tinted Face Powder
Use a translucent, light-diffusing powder, nothing tinted, to set your base.Apply it in sunlight so you know what it actually looks like. Sonia Kashunk Barely There Loose Powder does the job right!
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It doesn't cake, settle into fine lines, or alter your foundation color. It does, however, require quite a vigorous shake to release the powder.
Choose A Light Brown Pencil
When your filling in your eyebrows, apply a pencil that is a shade lighter than your actual coloring. If you are blonde go one shade darker. Hold pencil at a 45 degree angle and apply, instead of using it straight on. This will create softer strokes causing the brows to look more natural. Paul and Joe Eyebrow Pencil Duo is a product that will leave you with full, and think looking brows!
Choose A Lengthening Mascara
Your lashes get thinner as you age. Most would think you need a thickening mascara to fix the problem, but your lashes cannot support the extra weight, heavy formulas will flatten your lashes. Instead use a lengthening mascara, such as, Lancome High Defenition Mascara.
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